Calling FSBOs

Hey, (Agent Name) from Keller Williams Realty, Is this the owner of the property on (Address)?

Ok. Well, thank you so much for taking my call. Is your home still available for sale?

Great. Since I work with a lot of buyers I was calling to get some information about your home. (pause)
  1. Have you done any changes or made any upgrades to your home since you purchased it? (WFA) Are those written down so I could have them to present?
  2. Do you have a property disclosure that I can review?
  3. What is the age and condition of the appliances? Gas or electric?
  4. Are there any maintenance items still needed?
  5. So, if one of my buyers wanted to purchase your home and close within the next 30-60 days would that be a problem?
  6. If I were to bring a buyer to you..that would purchase the house at YOUR PRICE and close around YOUR SCHEDULE and this buyer has no home contingencies or appraisal issues. And I was able to get your check at closing to be 10-15% higher than what you are able to get if you sell it yourself, is there is a reason why you wouldn't list with me? (WFA)
Appointment (If Not ready to list): Excellent! I very well might but I need to see the property first because part of my job is to PREVIEW PROPERTIES FIRST so I don’t waste their time showing them properties that don’t fit what they are looking for, especially my clients on tight timelines.

Appointment (If ready to list)I’m going to be in your area today at (TIME) and again tomorrow at (TIME). Which would be better for you?

FSBO: “Do You Have A Buyer?”
I very well might but I need to see the property first because part of my job is to PREVIEW PROPERTIES FIRST so I don’t waste their time showing them properties that don’t fit what they are looking for, especially my clients on tight timelines.
  • So, how soon were you looking to close on your home?
  • If they were to purchase your home, where are you moving next?
  • (Go back to initial questions)

FSBO: “We’re not working with any real estate  agents”
Laugh…I can appreciate that. I don’t blame you because if I didn’t have a license, I’d do the same as you. It makes perfect sense to me. But let me ask you a really quick question…
If I were to bring a buyer to you..that would purchase the house at YOUR PRICE and close around YOUR SCHEDULE and this buyer has no home contingencies or appraisal issues. Basically, this is the buyer you have been hoping for. But, more importantly, the check I hand you at closing is the same, if not 10-15% more than you are able to get selling it yourself, then why wouldn’t you list it with me?

Appointment: Excellent! I very well might but I need to see the property first because part of my job is to PREVIEW PROPERTIES FIRST so I don’t waste their time showing them properties that don’t fit what they are looking for, especially my clients on tight timelines.

I’m going to be in your area today at (TIME) and again tomorrow at (TIME). Which would be better for you?

FSBO: “If you can do that then I would list it with  you.”
Excellent! I’m going to be in the area today at (TIME) and again tomorrow at (TIME). Which would be better for you?

Calling EXPIREDs

Hi, this is (Agent's Name) with Keller Williams Realty. 

Is this the owner of the property on (Address)? (WFA)

Great! Well, we work with a lot of buyers in your area and I was surprised to see your home pop up on my list of expired listings because your home has not sold yet. Are you still interested on selling your home? (WFA)

(If Yes..)
Excellent, I am going to be in your area today at (State time) or would (State time) be better for you? (WFA)

Perfect, by the way, when we get this home sold for you, where will you be going next? (WFA)

Wow, that’s exciting. Ideally, how soon do you need to be there? (WFA)

Ouch, you should have been there already!”

“Mr./Mrs. Seller, before I stop by today, I am going to email you a packet of information. This information is everything you need to know to get your home sold. Please review this information before I arrive so that when I am there we can focus on what’s most important to you.” Fair enough?
See you then.

If No (not deciding to sell right now)
I appreciate the fact you are considering (fill in answer) and you know what, that might be the best thing for you. You are smart to be considering all of your options, however, let me ask you a quick question.
  • If I were to bring a buyer to you..that would purchase the house at YOUR PRICE and close around YOUR SCHEDULE and this buyer has no financing issues, no home contingencies or appraisal issues. Basically, this is the buyer you have been hoping for. You would at least CONSIDER selling the house to them, wouldn’t you?
Do You have a Buyer?
I very well might but I need to see the property first because part of my job is to PREVIEW PROPERTIES FIRST so I don’t waste their time showing them properties that don’t fit what they are looking for, especially my clients on tight timelines.

So listen, I am going to be in your area today so would (State time) or (State time) be better for you? We would sit down for about 15-20 minutes and I will work with you to create a game plan to get the property sold quickly and for top dollar.

“ (Name) , before I stop by today, I am going to drop off a packet of information for you. It is critical that you review the information prior to my arrival so that when I am there we can focus on what’s most important to you.” Fair enough?

3-Way Call & Invitation

To build a sustainable real estate business, you (agent) should always lead with the opportunity to get involved in real estate. Recruiting agents will give you the ultimate leverage in your real estate business.

There is a 5-part duplicatable process to recruiting someone. When done correctly, the recruiting process is simple and duplicatable. You should never have to sell the idea of starting a real estate business to anyone. Let the tools do the work. You run the system and let the system run your business.

  1. Agent should build connection (timeframe varies) then follow the script
  2. See if the prospect keeps their options open to make additional income/ever wanted to get involved in real estate
  3. Show the sizzle video:
  4. Get them on a 3-way call with Agent’s Sponsor/Business Partner
  5. Sponsor/Business Partner invites to career seminar

AGENT: “Do you keep your options open for opportunities to make money?” (WFA)
  • ·         If no, then ask “Do you know of anyone that keeps their options open to making additional income”. (Note: You should also follow up with asking if they know anyone looking to buy, sell, or invest in real estate)
  • ·         If Yes, then complete the rest of the script.

AGENT: “There is something I want to show you, it will only take about 10 minutes, and you may or may not be interested. Ok?” (WFA)

AGENT: “Do you have a business card with your contact information/What’s your phone number and email address?” (Lead with asking for a business card. That makes people feel you think they are important. Additionally, if they have one then that ensures you get good contact information. Once you give you their information you ask them…)

AGENT: “Do you have 10 minutes to talk right now?”
  • ·         If no, then ask “When will you have 10 minutes later today so I can call you between (give a timeframe)?” (Complete the rest of the script when you call back)
  • ·         If Yes, then complete the rest of the script.

AGENT: “Great. I’m going to text you a quick video that I want you to watch. It’s only 5 minutes but it is powerful. I want you to let me know if you are interested.” (text them the link to the sizzle video)
After they watch the video ask them…

AGENT: “What did you LIKE BEST about what you saw?” (DO NOT ask what do they think or how was that. Force them to think about what they liked BEST)
Based on their response use the Feel, Felt, Found response.

AGENT: “I know exactly how you FEEL, I actually FELT the same way (or I have a business partner that felt the same way), What I FOUND out was… (or what he/she found out was…)”

AGENT: “You know what, I was talking to one of my partners and (he/she) told me that if I met a sharp individual in (state their city) then he wanted to talk to them. His/Her name is (state First & Last Name). Have you heard of him/her?” (WFA) Note: Usually this will be No, but it gives them a chance to stay engaged in the conversation. Ensure you use the last name because that will give them a position of authority and increases the edification.

AGENT: “I will tell you that Mr./Mrs. (Sponsor Last Name) is responsible for helping various people to launch successful real estate businesses. I work with him/her personally.  Mr./Mrs. (Sponsor Last Name) is very busy working with a lot of people but if I can get him/her on the phone right now for a few minutes to talk to you then you will see what I am talking about. Hold on let me call.” (him/her) (Note: DO NOT ask if it is ok to do the 3-day call. Assume it’s ok and tell them you are going to do it. They have already committed 10 minutes with you and you have only taken about 7 minutes)

When you call your Sponsor/Business Partner, give a quick intro that tells them what the person liked best so they know what to play off of.  (Note: It’s always best to give them a heads up prior to you starting your recruiting for the day so they can keep their phone by them and they are ready to take a call from you. You should also pre-communicate to them what event you are trying to get people to come to. Remember, always use your Sponsor’s last name when talking to a recruit.)

For example (if they are with you) “Hello Mr./Mrs. Latimore, this is (Agent’s First & Last Name). I was calling because you told me to give you a call if I came across someone that I felt was sharp and interested in the real estate industry. I’m here with (Prospect’s First Name) and he/she just saw the video and he/she liked the (state what he/she liked best). Do you have a couple minutes to speak with him/her?”

Their responsibility is to use the Feel, Felt, Found again, invite them to the Career Seminar, then edify you before the call is over.

SPONSOR: “Hello (Prospect’s Name), I am glad I have a chance to speak with you today. I only have a couple minutes to talk but tell me, why did you like (State what they liked best) in what you saw?” (WFA)

SPONSOR: “I know exactly how you FEEL, I actually FELT the same way (or I have a business partner that felt the same way), What I FOUND out was… (or what he/she found out was…)” (PAUSE for potential small dialogue)

SPONSOR: “If I was able to show you how you can start a real estate business and make money, help a lot of people, and have a lot of fun while doing so, would you be interested on getting more information? (WFA)
  • ·         If no, then ask “Do you know of anyone that keeps their options open to making additional income”. (Note: The Sponsor should also follow up with asking if they know anyone looking to buy, sell, or invest in real estate. This could be an additional lead for the agent, not the sponsor)
  • ·         If Yes, then complete the rest of the script.

SPONSOR: “Great. We are having a career seminar on (state time/date/location) that I want you to attend. You will be able to get a lot more information that day about this incredible opportunity. Mr./Mrs (AGENT’S LAST NAME) will pick you up on the way to the seminar. Ok?” (WFA)

SPONSOR: “Before I let you go, I just want to tell you that Mr./Mrs (AGENT’S LAST NAME) is on fire right now. You could not have been introduced to this incredible opportunity by a better person. So, I look forward to working with you in the near future.”  


Your only job is to confirm the time you are picking up your prospect or meeting them at the office before the Career Seminar. Remember, your Sponsor has already done the work. DO NOT answer any questions. Quickly leave or get off the phone.